The eighth Ringing World National Youth Contest took place on Saturday 7th July 2018 in London, hosted by the Southwark Cathedral Society of Bellringers.
Click here for the complete results
You can hear the winning test pieces here:
Sussex Young Ringers (Whitechapel Trophy)
Oxford D G (RW Editor’s Award for Excellence)
STOP PRESS! The RWNYC was very excited to welcome Blue Peter to Saturday’s contest. Lindsey Russell, a Blue Peter presenter, spent a day learning to ring and participated in a small ringing challenge during the day. The BBC team filmed some of the open ringing and the handbell workshops, along with interviews with band members from some of the teams. They had a great day soaking up the atmosphere at this unique ringing competition. |
The following teams competed:
Bath & Wells | Bedfordshire Young Ringers |
Brumdingers | Bucks and Berks Young Ringers |
Coventry Spires | Derbyshire Young Ringers |
Essex Young Eagles | Fen Tigers |
Guildford DG Young Ringers | Go Bellistic! (Salisbury DG) |
Kent Young Ringers | Leicester Rising Ringers |
Lincolnshire Gamekeepers | Lincolnshire Poachers |
Oxford DG | Surrey Young Ringers |
Sussex Young Ringers | The G&B |
W&P Youths | Worcester Cathedral |
Yorkshire Tykes | Young @ Herts |
Linda Garton
RWNYC Organiser