What’s happening here?
1000-1245 Teams 1-8 Contest Ringing
1245-1315 Ringing for Teams
We ask that this is used for non-competing members of teams.
1315-1600 Teams 9-16 Contest Ringing
1600 – 1715 Ringing for Teams
Old St Martin in the Cornmarket has a new light ring of ten, installed in 2011 by the Cathedral’s ringers. These bells are an important addition to ringing in Worcester and are rung for services and regularly used for teaching, practices, quarter peals and peals. They will make an ideal venue for the contest. The new bells hang below a ring of six bells which had been unringable for nearly 100 years. These bells now hang ‘dead’ and can be heard as clock bells. 10 bells, 6-2-17 in B.